Tuesday 6 May 2014

Peas Popping Up!

We visited our school garden today to water our peas and to see how they getting on. The garden is looking great. We spotted potatoes, lettuce, onions, leeks, beetroot, carrots and lots of lovely herbs all growing in the beds.

Our peas have started to push up out of the soil. We needed to pull out some weeds from the bed.

Then we collected some water from the water butt. The water butt collects rainwater which we use to water our garden. Isn't that clever?

Inside the classroom our mustard is growing well.

Our gourd has also started to grow. It looks a bit yellow and does not look as healthy as the other plants.The gourds seeds were sent to us by Presentation Convent School, Delhi. We think they might grow better in India because it is warmer and there is more sunlight. Some plants need lots of sunlight to grow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i liked planting